This is a topic that’s been on my mind for quite some time. In fact, I’m going to make this a two part series because I have some things to share with you about the benefits and some down sides, but mostly benefits, of doing business abroad…
Did you know that taking your business global could be the largest driving force in your revenues? If you’re properly positioned before take-off, I can almost guarantee it will be a ride worth taking. Other countries are dying to buy our services and/or products. Bizucate billed six countries last year and that experience exceeded my vision for where I’d plan to take my business in 2007, not to mention getting the visas, racking up on frequent flyer miles and operating on completely different time zones. Now that I think about it, things were pretty busy for us on the international front last year.
We buy services abroad, we sell services abroad and we travel abroad so why not do business abroad? Dell and IBM weren't afraid to do it and look where it has gotten them. I know the first thing that usually comes to mind when I talk about crossing the seas is HOW?
At Bizucate, the bulk of our international alliances were formed through larger corporations that contracted us to train their team. I have to say that had it not been for these major powerhouses, I’m not sure if we would have been able to hit the international markets as strongly as we did. Crossing international markets is doable if you have a systematic approach. In case I've sparked some interest of new possiblities in the way you do business, I want to share four tips to encourage you to get started:
1. Know what your company has to offer
2. Strategically choose partnerships with a major firm, organization or business who has international offices and who could benefit from your service
3. Define your international strategy and make them known to your partners, when the time is right
4. Know your price points, is your company willing to shell out eight grand for an airline ticket to present a one hour speech?
More tips to come in my next post. In the meantime, I hope this really gets you thinking about international companies who could benefit from the service you provide.
Tell me, why aren't you doing business abroad? If you are, what are your thoughts about it?
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